This was the fifth and final race in a series run by the Mountain Equipment Centre. The course was laid out in 5k loops so you took your choice on which event you wanted to enter, 5k, 10k or 15k. We were hoping this run would at least be flat, unlike the Derby Reach run, which was in the same area. This was on a small island, so we were hopeful!
The sun was out and the morning, which started out on the cool side, was heating up fast. We all ran well and had a lot of laughs. I at one time was finding it difficult to keep up with a very youthful black labrador and his owner, much to the amusement of some. Even in dog years I’m sure I must have been much older than he was anyway, well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
A good Sunday morning run and great to enter a very relaxed event. Needless to say we enjoyed a good lunch nearby with refreshment as usual.