- The beer at the finish line!
- The Mudder shoes
- The post card
- What a cake that was
- Tracey … still looking fresh!
- Fran … put ’em up, put ’em up!
- Claudette … the tough look
- Tracey’s face plant ….. ouch!
- Tarzan girl
- Where’s the Harley?
- Still smiling
- No problem Bob
- Dave the tough man?
- Jen …. come on you guys
- I’ll carry you over Fran!
- Dean reverse Fosbury Flop
- Just a simple country stroll
- Brothers-in-Arms
- Jamie in mud heaven
- High Five!
- A helping hand from Roger
- I’m going to throw up!
- Catch me … catch me
- Team work!
- Warming up after the Arctic Enema
- Brain freeze
- Brain freeze
- You ‘da man Roger!
- Hold on!
- Official team photo
- Our pad indside
- Our pad
- Looking tough before we started
- The clean up
- The team
- The shirt
- That wonderful cake